Kejayaan Cerita Silat Mandarin
Cerita Silat Mandarin sempat populer di Indonesia di era 80 dan 90-an, banyak sekali cerita silat dari negeri China yang kemudian di terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, hal ini di karenakan peminat yang sangat menggemari cerita-cerita ini. Tokoh-tokoh dan jalan cerita yang asyik dan seru menjadi salah satu alasan, apalagi pada masa itu media Televisi belum terlalu dominan menjadi satu-satunya hiburan yang menyediakan tayangan berbau silat, sehingga penggemar cerita silat fiksi lebih meluangkan waktu dengan menyewa atau membeli buku-buku cerita silat yang tersedia di Toko-toko buku.
Beberapa Pengarang yang karyanya banyak di terjemahkan ialah Chin Yung, Liang Ie Shen, dan Gu Long, karya-karya mereka sangat di gemari, beberapa penterjemah yang sering menterjemahkan karya mereka diantaranya, Gan K.H., dan Gan K.L.
Berikut beberapa Pengarang Cerita Silat Mandarin:
Kejayaan Cerita Silat Indonesia
Seiring dengan makin maraknya buku-buku Cerita Silat Mandarin era tahun 80 dan 90-an, para pengarang lokalpun tak kalah bersaing untuk menerbitkan cerita-cerita silat bernuansa lokal. dan Cerita Silat Indonesia inipun mendapat tempat yang baik di hati para pecinta cerita silat, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan munculnya berbagai macam Cerita-cerita Silat indonesia.
Kelebihan para pengarang Indonesia ini adalah, mereka memiliki wawasan tentang alur cerita silat, terutama dari cerita silat mandarin yang mungkin menjadi referensi sebagaian pengarang, kedua mereka memiliki keunggulan kosa kata dalam bahasa Indonesia, sehingga jalan ceritanya lebih mudah di pahami, dan yang ketiga tentu saja berkaitan dengan kultur, artinya para pengarang lokal ini lebih dekat dengan para pembaca berkaitan dengan kultur atau budaya yang mereka bawakan dalam kisah-kisah cerita silat karangan mereka.
Berikut beberapa Serial dan Pengarang Cerita Silat Indonesia:
Menggiatkan Gerak Literasi dengan Membaca Komik
Hello Guys,
Gerakan Literasi merupakan gerakan meningkatkan minat baca dan tulis yang menjadi salah satu program dalam dunia pendidikan. Kenapa harus ditingkatkan? Hal ini di dasarkan kenyataan rendahya minat membaca masyarakat Indonesia. Menurut data Unesco, Indonesia menduduki peringkat 60 dari 61 negara.
Kesulitan yang dihadapi adalah bagaimana caranya agar masyarakat terutama siswa mau dan rajin membaca. Kemauan tentu di dasarkan dari rasa ingin, ada semacam ketertarikan. Untuk membuat anak atau siswa tertarik untuk membaca, salah satunya dengan menyuguhkan buku-buku yang menarik untuk dibaca.
Buku cerita merupakan cara sederhana yang dapat dihadirkan di keseharian anak, agar anak memiliki minat untuk membaca. Dalam sebuah buku cerita ada kisah yang ditawarkan bagi pembacanya, si pengarang biasanya menyuguhkan jalan cerita yyang menarik untuk mengajak pembacanya berimajinasi dan masuk ke jalan cerita. Gaya penulisan semacam itu tentu dapat memupuk siswa untuk mulai timbul minatnya untuk membaca.
Banyak macam buku cerita, baik novel maupun cergam. Cergam atau cerita bergambar memiliki sedikit keunggulan dibandingkan dengan novel atau cerpen. Cerita bergambar bukan hanya menyuguhkan cerita, tapi juga diisi dengan gambar-gambar yang sesuai dengan jalannya cerita. Sehingga membuat anak dapat dengan mudah menangkap jalannya cerita.
Buku cerita bergambar atau seringkali di sebut komik bisa menjadi salah satu solusi untuk keberhasilan gerakan literasi, yakni dengan indikasi meningkatnya minat dan anak terbiasa untuk membaca. Perlu disadari, buku -buku cerita yang baik dan mendidik jumlahnya juga tidak sedikit, sehingga anak bukan hanya mengisi waktu dengan membaca buku cerita, tapi juga sekaligus belajar, menambah wawasan/ pengetahuan.
Download Buku Cerita, Novel, Komik gak pake Ribet
Hello guys...
Di waktu senggang daripada nglamun paling enak baca-baca. Kalo di sekolah baca-baca buku pelajaran, di rumah terutama waktu libur gak ada salahnya baca-baca buku cerita. Ya lebih ke hiburanlah. Buku cerita banyak ragamnya, ada Novel, ada Komik. Jenis ceritanyapun bermacam-macam, ada romans, petualangan, horor, misteri, detektif, cerita silat, fantasy, religi, dan lain sebagainya.
Banyak toko buku yang khusus menjual buku cerita dari bermacam genre. Buat pecinta buku, beli buku wajib tu. Biasanya buat koleksi. Ada kepuasaan tersendiri dengan memiliki koleksi buku-buku kesukaan.
Di era digital sekarang. para pecinta baca lebih cenderung beralih ke buku-buku digital. Selain bisa didapatkan dengan mudah, juga mudah dibawa kemana-mana.
Tapi walau ada kemudahan download berbagai buku yang tersedia di dunia maya, punya koleksi buku buat pecinta baca wajib lho. Karena dengan membeli buku itu salah satu wujud apresiasi kita terhadap pengarang. Dan tentunya bisa terus memacu semangat para pengarang terus berkarya.
Changing Personality Through Writing Media
Every human being basically has their own peculiarities, both in terms of physical and personality.
In this paper I want to discuss human personality, and the influence of writing media in the formation of human personality.
Personality is the character or the overall way an individual reacts and interacts with other individuals most often described in terms of measurable traits shown by someone.
The personality that is formed is influenced by environmental experience, the process experienced by both formal and non-formal, both primary and secondary, greatly influences the formation of one's character.
Mass media is recognized as one of the factors that influence personality, and the content of mass media can be in the form of writing, pictures or videos, because mass media is divided into electronic and printed media.
We often use the mass media in digging up information, because of the curious nature of human beings, then one thing is normal if the need for information includes important needs, even though sometimes we are not aware of it.
Well this is where the process of character formation occurs, the work published in the form of writing in print and electronic media is basically a form of communication, there is a process of delivering messages and receiving messages. The sender of the message is the author or author, while the recipient of the message is the reader.
Each article has a purpose, a goal the author really wants to convey to his readers. If the goal is good and has a positive impact on the reader, it is certainly not something that needs to be disputed. But if the goal is not good or has a negative impact and is conveyed by the reader or the recipient of the message, it will obviously have a bad impact.
It is very difficult to prevent a person or group of people from writing something, especially if it is believed to be true, but the bad impact of receiving information without being tested for truth will certainly be difficult to correct.
Then it is necessary for us both writers and readers to be wiser in forwarding information or receiving information, in order to minimize the bad influences on personality development.
Apakah Bijak merubah semua Orang sesuai dengan Kemauan kita?
saya selalu bertanya dalam batin saya, benarkah yang sudah dilakukan masyarakat dalam proses menata kehidupan yang lebih baik, yakni dengan mengarahkan perilaku setiap individu agar selaras dengan norma-norma yang ada di dalam masyarakat.
Sedangkan disisi lain kita pahami, sejak dilahirkan dan pengaruh lingkungan primer serta faktor pembawaan, manusia itu berbeda satu dengan yang lain. Bahkan akibat dari proses yang berjalan dalam kehidupannya terpetalah konsep kebenaran dalam dirinya, yang kemudian mencari penyaluran dengan terbentuknya kelompok-kelompok dan komunitas-komunitas tertentu.
hal tersebut sekedar pertanyaan bagi saya penulis, karena dalam prakteknya, teori perilaku masih tetap diterapkan dalam setiap lingkungan perkembangan manusia.
Is it Wise to Change Everyone According to our Will?
I always ask myself, is it really what the community has done in the process of organizing a better life, namely by directing the behavior of each individual to be in line with the norms that exist in society.
Whereas on the other hand we understand, from birth and the influence of the primary environment and the carrying factors, humans are different from one another. Even the result of the process that runs in his life is the concept of truth in him, which then seeks channeling with the formation of certain groups and communities.
This is just a question for me, because in practice, behavioral theory is still applied in every environment of human development.
The story of Mahabarata describes the Barata family. This story is indeed from India, the influence of Hindu culture.
Indonesia around the 4th century BC, began to be influenced by Hindu culture. One form of cultural acculturation is wayang stories. Stories of wayang commonly played, namely, Ramayana and Mahabarata.
As in the beginning, Epic Mahabarata describes the big family story of Wangsa Barata. At the end of the story, the Barata family must experience a civil war called the Baratayuda. The war was between the Kurawa and the Pandavas, which in the end was won by the Five Pandavas.
In general, the picture of the Baratayuda war symbolizes the war between truth and evil, a war that aims to destroy the wrath of the Kurawa led by Duryudana.
In Indonesia, especially Javanese puppet stories are very popular, not only as a medium of entertainment but more than that, the many meanings and philosophies contained in wayang stories, so that they can be taken and applied in everyday life.
In the discussion of this article I took the title "Meaning of Five Pandavas in Philosophy", because the Five Pandawa figures have been synonymous with goodness and truth. People who deserve to be exemplified by their behavior.
Basically, in extracting the meaning of the Five Pandawa Figures, there is a meaning that is more than just good behavior, but each character in the Five Pandavas themselves is describing the whole human being.
Good, for more details, let's discuss one by one the character of the Five Pandavas:
First, Yudistira: Yudistira means wadag or body. Yudistira in Pandawa Lima is the eldest child of King Pandu with Dewi Kunti. Why does it mean wadag or body? Yudistira or Puntadewa has a character that he accepts or resigns with giving, in Javanese "nrimo ing pandum", he is a person who is not adventurous, even in a story, when his wife Dewi Drupadi was asked by God, Yudistira resigned to give it. It is very identical to the body, humans who are characterized by bodies only position themselves to accept everything sincerely.
Second, Bima: Although the first child, Bima was born later, because when he was born Bima was covered with a wrapper, and when the package was successfully opened by Gajah Sena, Yudistira was born, because Bima was the second child. Bima contains the meaning of Budi or power, is the energy that humans have when they are in their mother's womb, but this energy will not be channeled if there is no body or body.
Thirdly, Arjuna: Arjuna means reason, Arjuna man always makes sense, with reason we can overcome problems in life, the combination of reason and energy produce powerful blends, therefore in the Baratayuda story, the figures of Bima and Arjunalah often eliminate the Five Pandavas from difficulties .
Fourth and Fifth: Nakula and Sadewa, the two characters mean Inner and Sense. Inner and Sense are not physically shaped, but are very important in humans, because with the mind and the sense of human being can sort out what is good to do, or what is not good to do. In Mahabarata, Nakula and Sadewa as if rarely seen, or lack of role, but basically when the other three brothers were unable to overcome the problem, Nakula and Sadewa will appear to complete it
The conclusion is, that the Five Pandavas are meaningful to be a complete human being, a complete human being who has the character and characteristics of the Five Pandavas. Maybe that's why when Dewi Drupadi wanted to have a perfect husband, the perfect husband was in the Five Pandavas.
Such is the discussion about the Five Pandawa Philosophy, hopefully useful.
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